Dell Primary School


Welcome to Reception!

Mrs Caroline Moyse - Assistant Headteacher, Reception Lead and teacher of RM

Miss Natasha Moss - Assistant Headteacher, RM teacher, Nursery Lead and SENDCO

Miss Fern Ross-Saunders - RS teacher

Support Staff

Mr Thomas Theobald

Mrs Steph Ayers

Miss Caitlyn Hepburn


Each half term our learning is based around an over-arching theme and high quality texts. We work using a 2 year rolling programme which runs across both Nursery and Reception. We use a programme called Tapestry to share learning with families at home. 

Phonics is taught daily in small groups using the Read, Write, Inc Programme. 

Maths is taught daily following the White Rose curriculum.

Our PSHE is themed half termly using the SCARF approach. 

More information about our curriculum can be found under the relevant pages on the curriculum menu.

Forest Schools

We are proud to be able to enhance our curriculum with forest schools. Reception children will learn outdoors in the forest area weekly on a Friday. On forest schools day, pupils do not need to come to school wearing school uniform. Suitable warm, outdoor, waterproof clothing should be worn.