Dell Primary School


At Dell Primary, we teach phonics using the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme developed by Ruth Miskin. Children from Reception until they are finished the programme, have a 40 minute phonics lesson every morning.

Pupils in nursery are introduced to learning phonics if they are ready. Pupils in reception begin the Read Write Inc programme. If a child makes expected progress, they will finish the programme by the Spring Term of Year 2. However, if they are not able to read at the expected standard, they will remain on the programme into Year 3 and beyond.

 Structure of the programme

We teach pupils to:

 ● Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills;

 ● Read ‘tricky’ words on sight;

 ● Understand what they read;

● Read aloud with fluency and expression;

 ● Write confidently, with a strong focus on vocabulary and grammar;

● Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words;

● Acquire good handwriting.


We emphasise the alphabetic code. The pupils rapidly learn sounds and the letter or groups of letters they need to represent them. Simple mnemonics help them to grasp this quickly. This is especially useful for pupils at risk of making slower progress. This learning is consolidated daily. Pupils have frequent practice in reading high frequency words with irregular spellings – ‘tricky words’.

We make sure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and the ‘tricky words’. This is so that, early on, they experience success and gain confidence that they are readers. Re-reading and discussing these books with the teacher supports their increasingly fluent decoding. Children work in colour groups and move through the colour bands. They bring reading books home which are matched to their RWI group.


Children are assessed at least every 6 weeks and are then re-grouped according to their progress. They are assessed on which letter sounds they know, which words they can read and how fluently they can read the words.


Pupils who are working at a level below the expected for their age will receive intervention in the afternoons. Some pupils will also be invited to join our phonics breakfast club in order to support them to catch up.