Dell Primary School

Personal, Social & Health Education

At Dell, we value PSHE as a core subject, in the same way as the English and Maths curriculums. We believe that through our strong PSHE curriculum, pupils are supported to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. It helps pupils make informed decisions, know when and how to ask for help and develop resilience. 


We follow the SCARF curriculum for PSHE.

The six learning themes are:

  • Me and My Relationships – (Conflict resolution and friendship)
  • Valuing difference – (British Values)
  • Keeping Myself Safe – (safe internet use, aspects of Relationship Education)
  • Rights and Responsibilities – (living in the wider world)
  • Being My Best – (keeping healthy, goal setting, achievements)
  • Growing and Changing – (RSE related learning)