Dell Primary School


At Dell, handwriting is taught twice a week in Years 1-6. In early years, pupils are taught to form letters and numbers correctly from the very beginning of their time at Dell. It is important that pupils develop a legible, joined style of handwriting which has letters that are consistent in size and orientation.

-sit in a comfortable position

-hold the pencil correctly - all pupils will be taught correct pencil grip

-make letters with an ascender tall - e.g. t, h, d, b

-make letters with a descender drop below the line - e.g. g, p, y

-ensure capital letters are taller than lower case letters

Early Letter Formation

In the early years and Key Stage 1, pupils are first taught to form letters using the RWI rhymes for each letter of the alphabet. These are modelled by adults for children to practise. Children in the early years are encouraged to say the rhyme while they form the letter.

letter formation chart.pdf